It’s time to Autumn Clean First Hill! The First Hill Improvement Association is hosting a neighborhood pick-up! Meet you neighbors, learn about FHIA, and make your neighborhood a better and cleaner place.
Saturday October 7th
10am - 12pm
First Hill Park, University & Minor
We will gather in the park at 10:00am. We’ll then disperse throughout the neighborhood, working in small groups to clean up litter and create a direct and positive impact in our community. We’ll gather back together to show off all the garbage we collected, and to celebrate our good work!
Bags, gloves, grabbers and vests will all be provided by Seattle Public Utilities, so all you need to bring is yourself.
First Hill Park is located at Minor Ave and University St. The First Hill Improvement Association is proud to sponsor this event.
Spread the word by inviting your friends and neighbors. We hope we’ll see you there!